Factory Tour of A39 Surf boards

Lately, waves have been super bad for a couple of days because it has been blowing really strong north wind from the morning. And, morning time is too high tide. So, it’s kind of hard to find ridable waves… Thus, I downed to OC for find good waves in this morning because OC is 10 times better waves compared to LA. But, there was no wave too, unfortunately… I just spent time and gas.ha

By the way, we’ve never showed A39 Surfboards factory. So that’s why, I want to talk about inside of A39 Surfboards today !! And, I want to talk with you about you

Welcome to A39 Surfboards factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



僕の住んでいるベニスビーチ周辺は、ここ数日、日の出とともに冬名物ともいえる北風が吹き始め、一日中ジャンクなコンディションが続いております。そんなわけで、今日も以前同様わずかな希望を掛けてHBへ向かいました。が、しか〜し波がない。。。北風がやはり強すぎて、波がよれてしまって海岸線と平行にウネって割れない!!みたいな最低なコンディション。そんな感じで、ノーサーフなOC遠征でした。その帰り道、A39 Surfboardsの工場に立ち寄り、Esakuと少しの談笑後、帰路についたわけです。

折角サーフィンのためOCまで出向いたのにサーフィンについて全く今日も書くことがないので、今日は、どんな場所でA39 Surfboardsは作られているのか?ということを紹介したいと思います。軽〜い気持ちで読んでやって下さい。

Welcome to A39 Surfboards factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Chuck Dent Surf Board should greet you here at entrance.



A39 Surfboards factory is located in Newport Mesa area. This area is like Center of action sports industry. For example, there are Hurley, Volcom, RVCA headquarters.  And also, there are bunch of skate factories and shape rooms.

I feel this area has really unique atmosphere because this area is only surfers and skaters.


A39 Surfboards のファクトリーは、アクションスポーツの中心地とも言えるニューポート•メサ(ニューポートビーチとコスタ•メサのボーダー)というエリアに構えています。ここの周りには、Hurley, Volcome, RVCAのヘッドクウォーター(メインオフィス)をはじめ、クリスチャン•ホソイスケートボードなど、たくさんのスケートカンパニーがオフィスを構えています。もちろん、多くのシェイパーがこのエリアにシェイプルームを構えています。「こんなところがアクションスポーツの中心地なの?」と絶対に思えるくらい工業団地の雰囲気が漂っているエリアですが、少しこのエリアを歩いてみると、サーファーかスケーターしかいないということを実感できると思います。そんな、ユニークなエリアにA39 Surfboardsはオフィスを構えています。




There are a lot forms on top of the passage!!

And, when I took photo, I found an awesome form. That is …





Sorry guys… That’s really hard to read it. But, That form is CLARK FOAM!!

He has history of surfboard’s forms.







Those surfboards were used by Eisaku’s riders. You can see history of surfboards.

I think those two surfboards are from 90’s. ON FIN!! That bring back memory!!









This factory has some shaping rooms. This room is one of Eisaku spots to shape. In other words, your surfboard is made from here. There is bradnew blank at the day. I don’t know why shaping room is a such a cool place for me. I don’t shape, but I like shaping room atmosphere. Do you have same feeling with me?






This is Eisaku’s storage place. There are bunch of beautiful and unique surfboards, randomly.


ここは、Eisakuの物置き部屋とも言える部屋なの ですが、ここには美しい&ユニークな板が乱雑に並べられています。






This surfboard is super beautiful!! This is shaped by Gordon Duane. He’s known as Gordie surrfboards. And also, He is one of the first manufactures put a wooden stringer down the center of the just-developed polyurethane form-core surfboards, for added strength and rigidity. He was active in the late 50s and 60s. And, he stayed as a shaper until 1988. This surfboard was made in 90s after his retiring. That time, he shaped only 5 boards!! Luckily, he got one of them. If you see this board, you should feel soul of surfboard, and this is work of art!!






Thank you so much for reading!!

If you are interested in A-39 Surfboards, visit here anytime!! We want to chill and share story of your surfing life here!!

I’m looking forward to meeting you here.



もしも、A-39 Surfboardsに興味があれば、メールはもちろんのこと、いつでもファクトリーを訪れて下さい!!Eisaku自身が親身にサーフボードの相談に乗ってくれるはずです。







A39 Surfboards Shaping room


Address: 1043 Center St, # A-7, Costa Mesa, California


Phone: 714-454-0342


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